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View and manage your briefs

This article guides you how to view and check all of your briefs

Admin avatar
Written by Admin
Updated over a week ago

To view your briefs, click on your avatar at the top right of the page, then choose "Design briefs".

On this page, there are four sections: Draft briefs, Open briefs, Closed briefs and Finished briefs. You can click "Source Design" (add link to the article) to create a new brief.

Draft briefs includes the briefs you created but you haven't gone through all steps to make it open. You can filter them by agreement type (buyout or license, or both).

Open briefs: This section shows all of your briefs that are currently open. You can filter them by agreement type (buyout or license, or both).

With the briefs that are currently open, you cannot select designs. You only can select designs after the brief is closed and make an offer with the artist when the brief is finished.

Closed briefs: This section shows all of your briefs that are closed. You can filter them by agreement type (buyout or license, or both).

With the briefs that are at this state, you can select or decline the submitted designs. Once you finish selecting/ declining the submitted designs, your brief will be moved to the Finished briefs section.

Finished briefs: This section shows all the briefs that you have selected or declined submitted designs. You can filter them by agreement type (buyout or license, or both).

At this state, you can buy the selected design by making an offer to the designer.

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